Turkey Stuffing

This is another recipe that is more of a guideline.  If you're from a family with origins South of the Mason-Dixon, you might prefer to call it dressing.  You can adjust the size of the recipe depending on the size of your bird.  You can also change up the ingredients a bit:  one year we added a diced apple, and that was very good!

2 bags unseasoned bread cubes
2 onions, diced
4 ribs celery, diced
3-4 T butter
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup walnuts
4 cups chicken stock
1 T Sage or to taste
2 T poultry seasoning or to taste
2 t Orange Peel
Salt and pepper to taste

Saute the onions and celery in the butter until the onions are translucent, then add the bread cubes, raisins, walnuts, stock and seasonings.  Taste, and adjust according to taste.  (I tend to go fairly heavy on the sage.) Cook until the bread cubes are soggy, adding more stock as needed.  Stuff both cavities of your bird and secure in place.  Cook according instructions on the bird.  I recommend about 15 minutes a lb., but for safety use a meat thermometer. Put remaining stuffing in a casserole, and put aside in the refrigerator for the time being.  Bake for about the last hour with the turkey.


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