Chicken Kabuli

This is another from Classic Indian Cooking, by Julie Sahni.  She says, in the introduction to the recipe that the original, served at a restaurant in New York City, is made with lamb.  I may try it that way the next time I make it.  This is very rich, so you might want to serve smaller servings.


4 large cloves of garlic, peeled
3 T chopped fresh ginger root
3 medium tomatoes
1 cup plain yogurt (I used Greek)
3/4 cup oil (I used avocado)
3 lbs boneless skinless chicken breast, cut in chunks
1/2 t have
1 t nutmeg
2 T almond flour*
1 t ground cardamom
1 t ground cumin
1 t ground coriander
1/2 t fennel seeds, ground with a morter and pestle
1 T kosher salt
1/2 cup heavy cream
2-3 t black peppercorns, run through a pepper grinder.

*if you can't find almond flour, just grind blanched, slivered almonds through a Food processor.

Put the first four ingredients  in a food processor or blender and run until they are a smooth puree.  Put the puree and the oil in a large, nonstick saucepan and cook over medium-high heat about 15 minutes until the puree is thick and the oil has begun to separate.

Add the chicken and cook, stirring constantly, until it looses its pink color.  Add the next 8 ingredients, blend well, and cook, covered, over low heat, for 15 minutes.  Remove the cover and cook 15 minutes more.

Stir in the heavy cream and pepper, turn off the burner and allow to rest for one hour, then put in the refrigerator overnight.  reheat and serve the next day with basmati rice and a salad.


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